G.Y.M. youth programs take place at the mâmawêyatitân centre after school, evenings and weekends. Youth are engaged in various experiences alongside the G.Y.M. facilitation team that enhance social, emotional and physical well-being. G.Y.M.’s mentorship approach to programming sees high school mentors from Scott Collegiate employed to work alongside participants. Movement and wellness are evident in many of the experiential opportunities we create. In addition to the movement opportunities, G.Y.M. offers cultural programs, science camps, and art camps. Our G.Y.M. facilitation teams ensure all youth are included and feel a sense of success in all programs offered.

Future G.Y.M. programming at the mâmawêyatitân centre is led by youth voices.
Through a mentorship approach G.Y.M. works to enhance Personal and Social Responsibility. G.Y.M. programming follows the Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility (TPSR) teaching model (Hellison, 2011). Hellison’s teaching model focuses on developing high levels of responsibility through physical activity and movement opportunities. TPSR is a well-established instructional model that has been acknowledged as an exemplary approach to stimulating responsibility through physical education and after school youth programs (Metzler, 2005).
G.Y.M. programming is intergenerational. We believe that youth development requires a team approach. G.Y.M. is equally important to younger youth as it is to the Indigenous mentors from Scott Collegiate, volunteer university students, site facilitators and our connected First Nation Elders. All participants of G.Y.M. programming have a voice and are provided the opportunity to share. Participants connect through inclusive play, a healthy snack or meal, or working together to solve the next challenge. After each experience, our site facilitation team tracks responsibility levels in youth areas such as self-control, self-direction, and compassion. Additionally, our staff also complete a weekly self-evaluation.